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An Overview of MicroServices Feasibility Analysis

microservices validation
Microservices architecture design involves dividing the application into a series of independent, self-contained services. Each of the independent services is responsible for maintaining a particular feature.
With monolithic application development, changes in a small part of the application will require a shift in the entire application. Making changes in the application is a costly and time-intensive process in the traditional monolithic development environment.
In contrast, the microservices architectural design takes a modular approach to application development. The application is divided into different components that are scaled independently. The architectural design is practical for large enterprises with lots of mission-critical applications. The integration of the microservice system requires feasibility analysis and testing that will be discussed in this post.
Feasibility Analysis of Microservices Architecture
Microservices architecture validation is an essential step for continuous testing. The feasibility analysis consists of testing the architecture to ensure that it can meet isolation, autonomy, and integration.
Isolation from other services is a cornerstone of microservices architecture. The validation process involves testing the success of executing independent services in a virtualized container.
Feasibility analysis and validation of microservices also involve assessing the ability of the implemented microservices to be executed, moved, destroyed, and duplicated in a contained environment.
Additionally, the feasibility analysis involves identifying available methods of communication with standardized and open interfaces. The services cannot be bound to the local resources since the architecture creates multiple instances of the same use.
The standardized and open interfaces describe the communication methods that include the GUI and API. Feasibility analysis involves assessing the available communication channels that can be used to implement the microservices architecture.
Steps Involved in Feasibility Analysis
The feasibility analysis of microservices involves different stages. The unit analysis involves individual validation of independent microservices. In contrast, integration validation consists of testing the relationship between the unique services. The third type is system validation that consists of validating the system as a whole.
The starting point of the validation studies the testing and verification of the system as per the standards, including ISO/IEC 25010 (Software Product Quality) and the ISO/IEC 29119 (Software Testing).
Stage 1: Technology Assessment
Technology assessment involves determining the function of the code and the interrelation with the back end sources of data. System developers assess the system from the view of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) for technology assessment.
SOA validation techniques help in the assessment of the application of the microservice systems. It involves using business models for functional testing of the constraints. Other uses of the technology involve the use of white-box testing
The goal of technology assessment includes discerning the significant pieces of a system that will gain from the microservices architecture. Moreover, it involves the identification of parts that can be exposed to microservice design. The assessment allows the developers to know about the tools that can be used for the implementation of the microservices architecture.
Stage 2: Implementation Assessment
The next stage of the microservices feasibility analysis is to find out how the service will be deployed. It involves determining the responsibilities of different stakeholders in the implementation of the architecture. Moreover, the assessment consists of coming up with a strategy for the successful implementation of microservices architecture.
As per the ISO/IEC 25011, there are eight quality characteristics of the services:
  • Service usability,
  • Security
  • Suitability
  • Reliability
  • Tangibility
  • Adaptability
  • Responsiveness
  • Maintainability
All of these characteristics are analyzed during the microservices feasibility testing phase.
The efficiency and effectiveness are not a quality standard as assessed during the programming quality assurance phase. But the assessment of risks, customer satisfaction, and stability of the system are analyzed during the validation of the microservice system.
Stage 3: Operational Mapping
Operational mapping involves creating a process plan to assess the appropriateness of APIs for microservice implementation. This stage involves identifying and addressing challenges to the implementation of microservices architecture.
During this stage, a plan is made addressing the weak areas of the microservices architecture. The step involves creating a framework for getting around the weak links in operation. It involves the creation of a framework for the flow of microservices architecture.
Stage 4: Functional Validation
Functional validation involves independent validation of microservice to find out the feasibility of the architecture implementation.
The integration process involves the validation of different types of formats and protocols for resolving challenges, message sequences, and shared sage of resources in microservice implementation. The verification involves monitoring communication between microservices.
Functional validation tests the interoperability of the different components of the microservices architecture. The validity of the communication between the services is determined. Moreover, functional verification involves testing the sequence of interactions, the accuracy of sending requests, orchestration of microservice, and choreography.
The validation involves generating test cases in an automated mode to understand the sequence of communication. The data is provided to the developer, after which the communication sequence is then determined.
System developers use the data to validate the communication sequence and the ability of the architecture to function within the defined scope.
Stage 5: Load Integration Assessment
A load integration assessment involves checking the integrity of the automatic deployment process. The process involves identifying the accuracy of the microservices in orchestration, transfer, and deployment of the services.
System developers carry out the load integration assessment to find out the accuracy of the microservices architecture. It involves loading the channels of communication to figure out the maximum load that can be handled without any disruption of activity.
Stage 6: Security Assessment
The last and the most crucial phase of the microservice feasibility analysis is to assess the security of the microservices architecture. It involves the interception of communication messages, both internally and externally, to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
The security assessment stage involves checking the integrity, confidentiality, and accountability features of the microservices architecture. It consists of assessing the access controls and privileges to ensure that the system is secure and free of outside interference.
The above steps will help in determining the feasibility of microservices architecture. The next step is to create a solution for effective implementation that meets the goals of the enterprise. The success of the microservices integration and performance depends in no small part on the effectiveness of the feasibility analysis in identifying weaknesses and determining solutions.
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