A senior Java Engineer will collaborate with other specialists in the team to develop new programming applications and then update the pre-existing applications in order to improve their productivity. Responsible for ensuring that every applications and software built meet the required standard. Carry out research with other computer professionals in other to come up with specifications and all that will be required to successfully design an application. Responsible for designing sample applications. Write down all the steps involved in the process of designing the application in other to serve as reference for times to come. Ensure that the application runs optimally by carrying out series of tests and operations. Fix any error that might have occurred during the process of designing the application. Manage the activities, projects and actions of the software developing team. Must be able to see from the user’s perspective, consequently building an application that will meet their needs and solve their problems. Serve as a delegate for the team in meetings with project management in order to give a time framework to the project. Think about possible problems that may occur with applications and then resolve those possible problems ahead of time. Foresee any improper design that may make the system vulnerable. Come up with likely problems that a software should solve and then design the software to that effect. Coach young software engineers with the intent of equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills that will improve their efficiency and productivity. strive towards meeting targets and deadlines. May possess a degree in computer science or related field. Must be willing to acquire new skills. Must have acquired at least a one-year experience from consistent building of applications and software. Knowledgeable about different package management tools that will make coding simple and easily executed.
LR044 Senior Java Engineer
A senior Java Engineer will collaborate with other specialists in the team to develop new programming applications and then update the pre-existing applications in order to improve their productivity. Responsible for ensuring that every applications and software built meet the required standard. Coach young software engineers with the intent of equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills that will improve their efficiency and productivity. strive towards meeting targets and deadlines.
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