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The First Steps for Application Rationalization

Application Rationalization Steps
A successful run of an enterprise is fueled by well-informed, innovative, and integrated business decisions. Any knowledgeable decision-maker is bound to put the well-being of the company’s success above all else so that any new step comes across the entire organizational landscape.
Therefore, the organization’s application portfolio must be well-understood, so operating on any agile forum enables a swift response towards the overall business, technology, and market changes. Hence, the goal is to align the business with IT for Application Rationalization to be successful.

What Is Application Rationalization?

Application Rationalization Solutions in its most basic form is a portfolio. To put it simply, it is an act of streamlining the business’s pre-existing application portfolio with just a singularly exclusive objective of improving operational efficiency, mitigating complex factors, and reducing the overall total cost of ownership (TCO) through a wide range of streamlined processes.

The First 5 Steps for Successful Application Rationalization

In order to achieve a successful migration of Application Rationalization, a few initial steps are essential to be taken rightful as they lay the basis for a successful run-up of the AppRat and other cost-saving methodologies like eliminating redundancies, etc.

1. Make a List

The first and foremost step in Application Rationalization is the actual compilation of all the past, present, and even future applications that have been deployed on your company’s system. It doesn’t matter that your company’s network is spread worldwide, with primary offices laid over different continents. The list shall include all the applications that come under the banner of your company network system.

2. Determine the Owner

The next consequent step is obviously to identify the owners or the “stakeholders” involved with the applications. This means that you have to determine under which user and department every single application finds its usage. This session of identifying leads to either one or both of the following results:

3. Identify the Lifecycle

Now that you have compiled all the applications there are under your organization’s network and determined all the users, departments, and stakeholders involved. It is time to identify the lifecycle of these applications. It is essential to conduct his step because, after all, any application with end-of-life technology, whether it finds recurrent usage, is a surmounting challenge.
In some time, there will be better and more advanced alternatives to the said application that your competitors in the industry would be using, while you will choose to stick to an outdated and aged application because of its usage. Hence, it is crucial to check out the lifecycle of the application to mitigate the following challenges:

4. Assess the Usage

You may believe that while you were determining the stakeholders of the applications, you must have assessed the usage of applications involved. However, this step is essential after identifying the lifecycle of applications because now you are making a decision based on which applications to keep to and which to let go of. Assessing the usage of each application would tell you that maybe the applications that weren’t being used at all had the reason that maybe nobody knew how to use them to their full potential. Moreover, you may find that stakeholders were exploiting the applications that were being used majorly because of an easy way out.

5. Assign Value, Quality & Cost Criteria

This one is probably one of the most important steps that are needed to be taken when governing Application Rationalization. You have to make sure that the following steps after this are based on the results of these steps that assign value, quality cost criteria to the application. This is the main step that either makes or breaks the exclusive objective of acquiring AppRat in the first place.
Therefore, determining each application’s total cost and business value has to be conducted even if it is the most used, exploited, or the least used more potential application. Then you proceed to compare these aspects of every application against the TCO of the similar industry averages being used. Using business capabilities is the way to go about this to capture the essence of what the business is doing right and should continue and vice versa.
Moreover, it helps assess what the company needs to do to meet the current and future lacking its operations and challenges to come alongside. The whole idea is to define “what” the business is doing instead of “how” the business is doing it. It allows you to identify and mitigate repletion processes and risks and helps develop innovative technological solutions to help achieve organization goals via AppRat.

Bottom Line

The consequent steps followed after revolving around documentation of the application’s architectural framework, mapping the total concept onto the business landscape, and making Application Rationalization a continuing process for the years to come. In an innovative and agile business ecosystem that believes in a holistic approach than a singular one, AppRat is the articulation of bringing such an architectural vision to life.
For more about Application Rationalization and how to integrate it within your network enterprise, get started with Enterprise Cloud Services, Inc. and contact us today!
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